
Dravidian Maya – Vol. 1

Original price was: ₹350.00.Current price is: ₹300.00.

It throws fresh light on the political events in this part of the country during the period between 1917 and 1944, with special reference to how the Dravidian movement, purportedly started to erase the social inequities, elbowed itself to the seat of political power.

In Tamizhnadu, the political power is in the hands of the Dravidian parties. The aura of E.V.R is still shining. The politicised race theory is taught in schools and colleges. Even today, some academics, chasing the shadow of
Aryan–Dravidian divide, universally proven as fictitious and fallacious, write thesis about the Dravidian movement as being against the Aryan Indian Brahminical Imperialism. Though the supremacy of Dravidian ideology is seen in the political sphere, the cultural scene is totally different. Negation of God, negation of scriptures and negation of Brahmins has no place in the cultural sphere. This is a paradox. “Dravidian Maya” is a honest attempt to strengthen the hands of the nationalists by faithfully and factually chronicling the anti-Indian activities/speeches of Periyarists. Its predecessor “Dravida Mayai – Oru Parvai” in Tamizh was released in 2010. “Dravidian Maya“ is its English translation, suitably modified and updated to suit to the global reader.


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