Saurashtra Tamilagam – Millennia of Connect


This book is an effort to trace the connect between Saurashtra and
Tamilagam through time, geography, history, migrations, culture,
trade and the Bharatiya ethos of Dharma. A connect which has been
reinforced multiple times through multiple waves of migrations in a
shared civilization history.

When Saurashtra was attacked and plundered by Mahmud of Ghazni
a 1000 years ago, groups of people fled from their homeland and came
southwards looking for a new home. Unfortunately, they could not
stay in any place for long enough. Attacks on their host kingdoms by
the Sultanates kept chasing them from one kingdom to another till
they finally reached Tamilagam in 1600s.
They made the Tamil land their home and have been living amongst
the Tamil people since then.
But the connect between the Tamils and the Saurashtrians did not get
established only then. They have both known of each other and have
had interactions from many millennia ago.

Weight 375 g
Dimensions 14.7 × 5 × 21.9 cm


Bharath Gyan



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